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The academic department and the vocational education department can be said to be the two most important departments of the ICSE. These two departments develop education programmes and/or courses to give opportunity to the learners to pursue the course of learning of their choice. Both the departments collaborate with each other to develop functional and need/based courses to benefit the learners.

The academic department takes care of academic courses which encompasses the entire school education continuum from primary to pre degree level. The academic department is engaged in development of curriculum and self learning materials, revision of learning materials, together with research and development activities and also provides support in the area of evaluation of learners.

The ICSE academic department has the following units.


This course is equivalent to the Xth standard. You can choose subjects from the scheme of studies given in table-. However, you will be required to successfully complete a minimum of five subjects with at least one language or at most two languages, which is compulsory for certification.


This course is designed for those who have passed the Xth standard or equivalent examination from a recognized board and would like to continue their education towards a senior secondary certification, equivalent to xii standard.

You can choose subjects from the scheme of studies given in table. However, you will be required to successfully complete a minimum of five subjects with at least one language or at most two languages, which is compulsory for certification.


Vocational education and training (vet) is an important element of the nation's education initiative. In order for vocational education to play its part effectively in the changing national context and for India to enjoy the fruits of the demographic dividend, there is an urgent need to redefine the critical elements of imparting vocational education and training to make them flexible, contemporary, relevant, inclusive and creative. The government is well aware of the important role of vocational education and has already taken a number of important initiatives in this area. School-based vocational education in India is currently covered by a centrally sponsored scheme which was mooted in 1988 and was aimed at providing an alternative to the pursuit of higher academic education. One of the objectives of the vocational education programme of NIOS is to meet the need for skilled and middle-level manpower for the growing sectors of economy, both organized and unorganized. The range of vocational education courses has been expanding over the years depending upon needs of learners and market demands. The present vocational education courses of NIOS are meant for both urban and rural sectors.

One Year Courses

Title of the Course Duration Entry Qualification
Title of the Course Duration Entry Qualification
Jute Production Technology One Year Secondary Level
Plant Protection One Year Senior Secondary Level
Water Management For Crop Production One Year Senior Secondary Level
Oyster Mushroom Production Technology One Year Senior Secondary Level
Poultry Farming One Year Senior Secondary Level
Typewriting (Hindi) One Year Senior Secondary Level
Typewriting (English) One Year Senior Secondary Level
Typewriting (Urdu) One Year Senior Secondary Level
Stenography (Hindi) One Year Senior Secondary Level
Stenography (English) One Year Senior Secondary Level
Secretarial Practice One Year Senior Secondary Level
Stenography (Urdu) One Year Senior Secondary Level
Typewriting (Hindi) One Year Secondary Level
Typewriting (English) One Year Secondary Level
Typewriting (Urdu) One Year Secondary Level
Certificate in Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance One Year Senior Secondary Level
Certificate in Computer Applications
  1. Basic Computing Skills
  2. Computer Applications
One Year Senior Secondary Level
Word Processing (MS Word) One Year Senior Secondary Level
Word Processing (MS Word) One Year Secondary Level
Furniture and Cabinet Making One Year Senior Secondary Level
Electroplating One Year Senior Secondary Level
Carpentry One Year Secondary Level
Solar Energy Technician One Year Secondary Level
Bio-gas Energy Technician One Year Secondary Level
Jan Swasthya One Year Senior Secondary Level
Certificate in Rural Health for Women
  1. Basics of Health Care
  2. Health and Environment
  3. Health Education
  4. Health Extension Activities
One year IV class pass
Advanced Certificate in Rural Health for Women
  1. Communication Skills in Health Education
  2. Medical, Clinical and Diagnostic Skills
  3. Health Management
  4. Emerging Issues in Health Care
One Year Pass outs of Certificate in Rural Health for Women
Certificate in Care of Elderly
  1. Basic Life Sciences
  2. Aspects of Aging
  3. General Care and Specific Needs of Elderly
One Year Senior Secondary Level
Laundry Services One Year Secondary Level
Bakery & Confectionery One Year Secondary Level
House Keeping One Year Senior Secondary Level
Catering Management One Year Senior Secondary Level
Food Processing One Year Senior Secondary Level
Play Centre Management One Year Senior Secondary Level
Hotel Front Office Operations One Year Senior Secondary Level
Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables One Year Senior Secondary Level
Paripurna Mahila One Year Secondary Level
Jan Swasthya One Year Secondary Level
Library Clerk Course One Year Senior Secondary Level
Certificate in Care of Elderly
  1. Basic Life science
  2. Aspects of Aging
  3. General Care & specific Need of Elderly
One year Senior Secondary Level
Certificate in Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance One Year Senior Secondary Level